Predigten von P. Martin Löwenstein SJ

Fürbitten zur Taufe (englisch)

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Lord, we pray for C.,
Give her the security that you are always with her. Give C. joy in this life, good close friends who give her help and support, the courage and the energy to recognize the good and pass it on to the people close to her.
Lord, hear us
: 'Lord graciously hear us'

Lord, we pray for C.’ Godparents,
Let them and C. keep searching and finding each other, helping them to be examples and supporters of Christian faith, hope and love. Make them close to you so that they support their godchild in her faith.

Lord, hear us
: 'Lord graciously hear us'

Lord, we ask you for the faith of C..
Make her strong and entrenched in you. Shine on C. in moments of darkness and give her the strength to look for you, her godparents, friends and parents whenever she feels alone.
Lord, hear us
: 'Lord graciously hear us'

Lord, we ask you for the parents of C.
Support them so C. always feels loved by them. Make them deal positive with short nights and support C. in giving her parents as much joy as she already has.
Lord, hear us
: 'Lord graciously hear us'

Lord thank you for entrusting us C. and that she will be baptized here today. We pray for all children who live and grow up in difficult conditions. Let our society see how we can support them in the best possible way so that they can find peace and security.
Lord, hear us
: 'Lord graciously hear us'

Lord we pray for all of us,
Protect our families, friendships and particularly C.’ grandparents. Let Your love always be present between us. Let us succeed in being open to one another and in recognizing and passing on the joy and love within our families to C. and all the other children.
Lord, hear us
: 'Lord graciously hear us'

Lord we pray for peace in this world, especially for the people of Ukraine and Russia. Give them the power to stop the violence, reject the seeds of hate, and then reconnect.
, hear us
: 'Lord graciously hear us'

Lord we pray for those who have left us.
Let them find peace within you and jubilate that we are all gathered here today for C.'s baptism.
Lord, hear us
: 'Lord graciously hear us'