Predigten von P. Martin Löwenstein SJ

Gebete zum Fest des Hl. Patrick 2003

Zurück zur Übersicht von: 17. März: St. Patrick

Let us pray that, like Saint Patrick,
we may be loyal to our faith in Christ.

Father in heaven,
you sent the great bishop Patrick to the people of Ireland
to share his faith and to spend his life in loving service.
May our lives bear witness to the faith we profess,
and our love bring others to the peace and joy of your gospel.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Lord our God,
by the power of this sacrament
deepen our love
and strengthen our faith:
as we celebrate the feast of Saint Patrick
bind us more and more to each other in unity and peace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord

Lord, we heard the word of the Gospel
and joined in the praise of your name.
may all we do or say
proclaim your glory
in imitation of Saint Patrick,
who did not spare himself
but gave his whole life to the preaching of your Word.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.